
9 Ways to Be a Mindful Parent When You’re Stressed

Stress is part of life. And nothing amplifies stress in one's life more than being a parent. Raising a family is hard work, and while there are many rewards, the reality is, being a parent is a ro...


Self-Talk Keeping You Stuck? 7 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself

In a given day, how would you describe the types of thoughts you have about yourself? Positive and encouraging? Neutral-simply narrating for example-to-do lists and tasks? Negative and judgem...


The Phrases I Will Never Say as a Mom

In my fifteen years of mothering with now, four daughters: fifteen-year-old twins, a nine-year-old, and a seven-year-old, I have never said, "I need to lose weight" in front of any of my children. ...

Skills and Strategies

9 Ways to Manage Stress and Enjoy the Holidays

When you're a mom, chances are, a vast majority of the traditions during the holidays fall on your shoulders. The reality is, women create, cultivate and are responsible for a significant proportion o...


6 Ways to Improve Your Self-Care Routine

Making time for self-care can be challenging, especially when you don't have a lot of time, or you lack support to get kid-free time, or if you're going through a stressful life event. And, sometimes ...


Do You Need a Pause Button on Life? 10 Skills To Decrease Stress

We are officially in the mad dash to the end of the academic year activities. Which means concerts, recitals, sports games, field trips, final projects and parties and oh, throw in graduations. I find...


Let Go of Perfect: 10 Ways to Be a Good Enough Mom

As a therapist for over twenty years, one of the most common recurring themes that comes up in the therapy hour is moms striving to be a perfect mother. I take it on as a clinical mission, to help ...


20 Things I’ve Learned in the Therapy Room About Motherhood

1.  Mothers are one of, if not the most powerful and influential relationships a child can have. 2.  Compassion for one's mother is deeply experienced often after he/she has become a parent. 3...


How Childhood Experience Impacts Mothering: 9 Things You Need To Know

As a psychologist, I often hear in the therapy hour the impact of childhood and family experiences on clients lives. Many who come into therapy for the first time, have this belief or thought, that th...


Are You a Burned Out Parent?

I hear parents say, and I’ve said it myself, ‘I’m so burned-out, and I need a break!’ But have you ever stopped to think about what burnout actually is? Burnout is a syndrome or state of bei...


6 Reasons Why Friendships Increase Your Well-Being

Have you experienced how busy life can be, between family, work, volunteering and the supporting roles of parenting, that time with friends go the back burner? I am in such a place right now. With the...


National Women’s Health Week: Ideas to Jumpstart Well-Being

My girlfriend and I were chatting this afternoon as we waited for our daughter's bus to bring them home from school. During this conversation, my friend was coughing. She's had a persistent cough for ...