Writing is so many things for me: expressive, therapeutic, connective, creative, with the intention to inspire, reflect and encourage. The therapeutic side of writing helps me work through the intense moments in motherhood, where I have been impacted or significantly changed. I am excited to share this piece I wrote, originally titled: The Loving So Much Moments in Motherhood which was changed for publication on Scary Mommy. It’s a deeply personal piece about the moments when loving and caring for my daughters felt incredibly overwhelming. I’d love to hear if you had some similar experiences!
Mama Instinct Saved My Daughter’s Life, And Here’s How
Have you ever had the thought: I just can’t do this mothering gig.
Or the overwhelming feeling: Loving this sweet child of mine is just too much sometimes.
I can count on one hand the number of times — three to be exact — in my sixteen years of being a mom, when I have experienced what I call: Loving So Much Moments, in motherhood.
Each one of these loving so much moments happened in response to horrible things or incredibly stressful moments happening to my one four daughters.
Read the entire post at Scary Mommy: Mama Instinct Saved My Daughter’s Life, And Here’s How