
Running on Empty? How to Manage Caregiver Stress

Are you giving too much to others? Your time, energy and resources? And if so, how do you know when you’re giving and doing too much for others? Being a mother is inherently a giving of yourse...


7 Reasons to Take Care of Your Mental Health

Years ago, my twins, they were confused about what I did for work. They understood, I am called 'Dr,' but I am not a physician. They knew I could help people to feel better and heal, but I don't give ...


Is it Even Possible for Moms to be Lazy?

The modern world is busy, noisy, and fast-paced. Smart-phones have made us accessible to everyone and anyone 24/7 all year long. And this sense of being available all the time paired with a push for p...


Top 7 Stresses for Parents During the School Year (And What You Can Do About It)

We’re officially in ‘Back to School’ season, which means if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, chances are anywhere from late July to early August, and after Labor Day, summer is coming to an ...


5 Reasons Why You Need to Make Time for Fun

When was the last time you had fun? When you enjoyed yourself, felt relaxed and restored? When was the last time you unplugged and put productivity on hold and did something that brought you joy...


9 Things You Need to Know to Enjoy Family Vacations

Oh, family vacations and gatherings. Seldom are they stress-free, conflict-free and predictable. If you're planning a family vacation anytime soon, this is a must read before you go! Equally as import...


8 Strategies to Bring Quiet to Motherhood (Yes, Seriously)

Motherhood comes with a lot of noise. From children and the noise they create, to the mental chatter in a mammas mind, to the everyday sound living in a modern world, one thing is for sure-in mothe...


Yes! Dads Need Self-Care Too!

Father's Day is in a few days, and I was touched to learn the origins behind the creation of holiday. Father's Day was inspired because of a daughters appreciation for her single dad raising five chil...


5 Ways to Make Self-Care a Priority This Summer (Even with Kids at Home)

For many families, summer has begun, shifting the structure of school and extracurricular activities to the long, unstructured days of summer. For moms, the summer brings relief-temporary reprieve fro...


Self-Talk Keeping You Stuck? 7 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself

In a given day, how would you describe the types of thoughts you have about yourself? Positive and encouraging? Neutral-simply narrating for example-to-do lists and tasks? Negative and judgem...


The Phrases I Will Never Say as a Mom

In my fifteen years of mothering with now, four daughters: fifteen-year-old twins, a nine-year-old, and a seven-year-old, I have never said, "I need to lose weight" in front of any of my children. ...


6 Ways to Improve Your Self-Care Routine

Making time for self-care can be challenging, especially when you don't have a lot of time, or you lack support to get kid-free time, or if you're going through a stressful life event. And, sometimes ...