
Stressed This Holiday Season?

This Holiday Season is filled with many blessings, traditions, gatherings, celebrations and let's be real, STRESS! Taking the time to stay focused on what's important to you during the holidays can be...

Self-care | Well-Being

Announcing In-Session with Dr. Claire

Oh my, have I been busy! I am so excited to finally share the projects I have been working on since March of this year. For the past eight months, I've redesigned my websites, and Dr...

Self-care | Skills and Strategies

6 Ways To Put Self-Care on the Holiday To-Do List

This time of year, it can seem as if there is a shortage of time with a growing to-do list for the holiday. And to increase the adrenaline, winter break and school vacation is a mere week or so away, ...

Mental Health | Parenting | Self-care | Stress in Motherhood

Postpartum Depression: What You Need to Know

The birth of a baby brings about a range of emotions-joy, relief, elation, and feelings of being overwhelmed, tired, and sometimes, depression. The hormonal fluctuations and changes after a woman has ...

Career | Parenting | Self-care | Writing Life

Listening to Your Heart

Turning 40 is a right of passage, its getting closer to middle age, which can elicit panic and fear amongst many people. I didn't want to be the person to freak-out on her fortieth birthday. The numbe...

Communication | Mental Health | Self-care | Skills and Strategies | Stress in Motherhood

Self-Care is Not Selfish

The past winter has been anything but typical in my household. Living in the Northeast, we've had massive amounts of snow, which equals lots of snow days and missed school. Add to the mix, colds and v...

Positive Psychology | Self-care | Skills and Strategies

9 Reasons To Practice Meditation

Did you know, the average person has approximately 12,000 thoughts a day? According to the National Science Foundation, if you are a deep thinker, you have closer to 50,000 thoughts in a day. And I th...

Self-care | Skills and Strategies

New Year’s Resolutions: 9 Things to Consider

The New Year brings a myriad of reactions for people; joy, sorrow, relief, anxiety, happiness and hope. Not everyone experiences the changing of the numbers the same way. Many people I know have a ...

Family of Origin | In-law Relatioship | Mental Health | Self-care | Skills and Strategies | Stress in Motherhood

Detoxing After Thanksgiving Visits

How was your Thanksgiving? Peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable? Did everything go just as planned with no stress? Did you have moments with your parents, in-laws or siblings that were enjoyable,...

Mental Health | Self-care | Skills and Strategies | Stress in Motherhood

Overwhelmed with the Holiday Season? You Are Not Alone

Ready or not, time is ticking and the holiday season is upon us. Although retailers have us convinced the season started back in October when Halloween decor and candy shared space along Christmas and...

Gratitude | Self-care | Skills and Strategies

How I Practiced Self-Care the Past Three Weeks

The past three weeks have been a whirlwind of activities. I am certain I am not alone. Parents in most of the United States, (I write this as I have many people visiting this site from across the glob...

Self-care | Skills and Strategies

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

In the almost two decades of being a therapist, one common theme has prevailed in the therapy session; clients often report embarrassment, shame or feelings of failure for coming to and needing therap...